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Home - VanCarpenter.com

Change is constant.
You can either embrace it or fight it.

Business Growth & Innovation for Your Business

Van Carpenter Innovative SolutionsDefine…Design…and Deploy (3D) our innovative change coaching and workshop solutions for creating new growth, economic freedom, and stability for you and your business, no matter where your business is today.             

Start NOW with our free business assessment below and move to a free discovery session with Van Carpenter, Coach, Consultant & Speaker.

Advising & Consulting

Intuitive, custom advice and coaching designed to meet you where you currently are. We compliment your current business success with additional clarity, planning and an action plan for your next phase of results and success.

Coaching & Creative Services

Experience the power of consistent creativity to maintain your competitive edge.

Why Not? I.D.E.A.S. for Success


Van Carpenter Innovative Solutions

From Concept to completion! From Idea to Innovation! From Stuck to Stoked! Van Carpenter is your choice for a  trusted advisor, innovator and “create change catalyst” who will collaborate with you to deliver the vision, velocity, and value to your business and move you off that “OK plateau of just enough!”.

Interested in starting your unique path to profitable productivity, performance and results? Just click on the Discovery Button and schedule a FREE Discovery Session with your personal Create Change Catalyst and Trusted Advisor – Van Carpenter.



  • Determine Where You Are Specifically!  Process and Mindset
  • Dream -What Do I (They) Want?
  • Decide and Declare Core Values & Messages
  • Direction – HOW do I get there? Who goes with me?
  • Decide to Create Change & Proceed – Commitment and Accountability

RESULTSClarity about what results you want to achieve and the mindset and path to get there.


GOALPlan It Out!

Move from Definition to Designing an Effective Business Model, Strategies and Your Unique Create Change Plan

  • Envision Your Unique Create Change Culture of Success
  • Design Your Business Model & Strategy
  • Project financial and human resources into The Future & Plan for Change
  • Create or Update Your Story & Messaging
  • Design & Create Value-based campaigns and tactics
  • Empower Employees to collaborate and participate
  • Create Measurable Metrics and Communicate Them

RESULTS:  A written business/personal and marketing plan with defined strategies, tactics and measurable metrics based on your Change goals and resources.



Moving from Definition and Design Thinking to Execution

  • Define Resources Available – Time, People, Money
  • Determine Key Milestones, Calendar & Cost to Implement
  • Prioritize Key Actions and Produce Project(s) Budget
  • Communicate Scope and Implications of Change to All Affected
  • Monitor Results against Metrics.
  • Celebrate Accomplishments and Fix Failures
  • Declare it DONE! Consistent Closure Creates Comfort!

RESULTS:  Objectives Met…Results Realized…Change Created & Communicated

Your First Step Towards Productive Change

Free Assessment

At Van Carpenter we are able to show and train you on how to proactively “Create Change” and grow or reinvent your business. However,  your first step is to engage us and determine if we are a fit to work together. Our free personal growth and innovation assessment will help you do just that with no commitment! Let’s create some productive change together.

Change your business for the better! Takes only 5 minutes. →

Step 1 of 12 - Contact Information

Coaching and Advice

Advice & Coaching provides you as the business owner or corporate executive an experienced and credentialed counselor…a trusted advisor.

In coaching and advising, we work with you one-on-one to understand your business, its issues and then coach you to construct a personal and business plan unique to your needs and desires.  This plan gives you a clarity of direction, accountability for implementation and ongoing advice to solve both your immediate and long-term business success needs.

Bottom line…we want you to create the change in your business to grow and innovate it to the success you desire.

Training & Workshops

Book Van for your next event!

Our approach is born out of the diversity of Van’s experience. Whether as an emcee, facilitator, workshop leader or keynoter, Van is going to customize his messages to your organization and bring to bear his proven business and life experience. He approaches each event with a well-planned agenda that keeps everything on track and ensures that your key messages are delivered or re-enforced. However, his engaging and humorous style allows for improvisation that keeps the attendees engaged, enlightened, educated and entertained

About Van

Van’s Purpose is to serve as an Advisor, Innovator and “Create Change” Catalyst to innovatively and profitably solve the real issues for businesses in their market.  I utilize my diverse industry experience and proven work innovation to create, communicate, and facilitate unique ideas, education, and business solutions that work. These solutions serve to enlighten, encourage, and entertain people while training them how to proactively embrace change to create the positive results they desire in their life and business.  Check out my experience and credentials.  I know that I can enable you to create the changes you need to be extraordinarily successful in your business.


Smart Choice

“Van is a unique creative personality meshed with practical business knowledge that is geared toward generation of ideas and innovative solutions in any situation.  When an answer seems blocked or unknown and an applied creative solution is required, he is able to quickly produce a number of creative and workable options for an individual or team.  With experience as a Creative director in agencies and as a communications and marketing consultant, he is able to take those ideas and translate them into innovative product, process or marketing with ease.”

1st Citizens Bank

“Van is a unique creative personality meshed with practical business knowledge that is geared toward generation of ideas and innovative solutions in any situation.  When an answer seems blocked or unknown and an applied creative solution is required, he is able to quickly produce a number of creative and workable options for an individual or team.  With experience as a Creative director in agencies and as a communications and marketing consultant, he is able to take those ideas and translate them into innovative product, process or marketing with ease.”


Contact Van Carpenter

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